WJSN's Seola Reveals Solo Debut Details

WJSN's Seola Reveals Solo Debut Details

Seola, a member of the group WJSN, has confirmed her solo debut date.

According to her agency Starship Entertainment on the 30th, Seola will release her first single, "INSIDE OUT," at 6 p.m. on January 23 next year. "INSIDE OUT" is Seola's first solo single in more than eight years since her debut in WJSN. This also makes her the first member of her group to debut as a soloist.

Seola is an all-rounder with strong skills in singing and songwriting. In addition to her group activities, she showed off her vocal skills by participating in various OSTs and sharing cover videos. She also served as a DJ at KBS Cool FM 'STATION Z' for eight months from April until recently.


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