Ailee Leaves THE L1VE After One Year

Ailee Leaves THE L1VE After One Year

Singer Ailee will end her exclusive contract with The L1ve Label, founded by Ravi.

The L1ve Label announced on the 29th that Ailee's exclusive contract has ended.

The agency said, "The L1ve Label and Ailee will end their exclusive contract in July 2022," adding, "From July 2021 to the present, we always thank Ailee for providing the best energy on the stage and being with The L1ve Label."

They added, "We will also cheer for Ailee's new start, which will continue to be active in various ways in the future."

Meanwhile, Ailee has released her third full-length album "AMY" and her English album "I'M LOVIN' AMY" after signing an exclusive contract with The L1ve Label. She also participating in various drama OSTs.


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