BIBI Announces First Solo Concert

BIBI Announces First Solo Concert

Singer BIBI will hold her first solo concert since her debut.

According to her agency Feelgood Music on the 5th, BIBI will hold the concert "Can't You Come?" at Yes24 Live Hall in Seoul on the 28th.

This concert is her first solo concert, and it presents a special time by adding all the tracks of BIBI's first full-length album, "Lowlife Princess-Noir," as well as a special stage.

BIBI is rumored to have paid special attention to communicate with the audience from the planning stage for the concert.

In response, the agency said, "BIBI's first concert will provide pleasant memories with an unconventional stage composition."

BIBI recently showed off her potential by ranking three songs on the Billboard Hot Trending Song chart with her first full-length album "Lowlife Princess: Noir" released in November.


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