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Purple Kiss To Hold First USA Tour "FESTA"

Purple Kiss To Hold First USA Tour "FESTA"

The group Purple Kiss is speeding up its global move with its first American tour since its debut.

On the 3rd, the agency RBW announced the hosting of the American tour "PURPLE KISS 2023 The FESTA Tour in USA" (hereinafter referred to as "FESTA") through Purple Kiss's official SNS. According to the report, the group will perform in 17 U.S. cities, including New York, Philadelphia, Charlotte, Columbus, Detroit, Louisville, Nashville, Kansas City, Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, Dallas, San Antonio, Phoenix, and Los Angeles from October to November.

"FESTA" is Purple Kiss's first American tour since its debut, and it has aspirations to hold a fantastic festival with global fans beyond Korea.

Purple Kiss will release its first single album "FESTA" with the same name as the American tour name on the 5th. It is an album that contains a message to escape from repeated daily life and enjoy a dream-like deviation, signaling that it will provide healing to listeners with the refreshing and positive energy of Purple Kiss that has never been seen before.


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