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TVXQ to Hold Solo Concert in December to Celebrate 20th Debut Anniversary

TVXQ to Hold Solo Concert in December to Celebrate 20th Debut Anniversary

TVXQ will hold a solo concert in December to commemorate the 20th anniversary of their debut.

TVXQ will hold a two-day event on December 30th and 31st called ‘2023 TVXQ! CONCERT [20&2].' The said upcoming concert is expected to completely fascinate the audience with TVXQ's unique performance, unrivaled live performance, and exceptional stage skills.

TVXQ held a concert in March 2019 called 'TVXQ! CONCERT -CIRCLE- #with'. The event celebrated their 20th anniversary with their fans, who have continuously shown love and support over the years.

Meanwhile, TVXQ will release their 9th full-length album on December 26th to celebrate their 20th anniversary.


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