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DKZ's Jaechan Confirmed for a Solo Debut

DKZ's Jaechan Confirmed for a Solo Debut

On August 23rd, Dongyo Entertainment announced that DKZ's Jaechan is gearing up for a solo debut. The agency said, "DKZ member Jaechan is preparing for his solo debut in September. He will show off his new charm as a solo artist, so please support and look forward to it."

Jaechan made his official debut with DKZ in 2019. Besides music activities with the group, Jaechan also made a name in South Korea as a young actor after starring in the hit drama "Semantic Error," where he received great attention and admiration from fans worldwide.

With the confirmation of Jaechan's solo debut, attention is focused on what kind of charm and music he will deliver to anticipating fans.


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