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Daisy said that MLD Entertainment kicked her out of MOMOLAND

Daisy said that MLD Entertainment kicked her out of MOMOLAND


, a former member of the group Momoland, revealed that she was fired, she didn't withdraw from the group.

On the 3rd of July, Daisy had time to answer questions from fans on TikTok Live. In the process, one fan asked about why she left Momoland and the dispute with her former agency MLD Entertainment.

And Daisy said, " I didn't leave MOMOLAND. I was fired. It's all right because it's a long time ago. I don't know why I was kicked out of MOMOLAND. If I knew why, I wouldn't have been fired." she reiterated.

Earlier in 2019, MOMOLAND's agency MLD Entertainment said it was discussing Daisy's withdrawal.

Daisy later raised suspicions of manipulation of Mnet's "Finding MOMOLAND". Daisy said she was offered a contract the next day despite being eliminated from the "Finding MOMOLAND" survival show.

In response, MLD Entertainment said, "The CEO, who judged that Daisy had high potential, recommended that she remained as a trainee, not as part of the debut group."

Daisy later filed a lawsuit against MLD Entertainment, and she won some of the settlement suits.

MOMOLAND continued its activities without Daisy, and Daisy started to communicate with fans and deliver news through SNS.

Daisy once again expressed her position on leaving Momoland, drawing attention.


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